Leek Recipe

Simple Leek Tartlets recipe

These tartlets look very impressive but they are deceptively simple to make.


  • 225g plain flour
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 5 tbsp. cold water
  • 5 tbsp. olive oil
  • 150ml milk
  • 2 egg whites
  • 350g leeks
  • 4 bacon rashers
  • 1 tbsp. corn flour
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • 4 or 5 rosemary leaves, finely chopped

Method of Preparation:

  1. Sift the flour into a large bowl with the salt, then sprinkle with the water and the oil. Mix together with a fork or two knives until you have a rough pastry, then press it into a ball, cover with cling wrap and put into the fridge for half an hour. Once cooled, roll the pastry out to around 4mm thin, and then press it into four mini tart tins. Put a square of grease-proof paper onto each tart, weigh it down with baking beans and then cook for 15 minutes in a 200C oven. Once cooked, remove the paper and beans and then set to one side as you begin the filling.

  2. Finely chop the leeks and the bacon, and then finely chop the rosemary. Heat the oil in a large frying pan and cook the bacon for three or four minutes before adding the leeks and rosemary. Cook for another 8 minutes or so and then remove the bacon and leeks and place into a bowl whilst you make the custard.

  3. Mix 2 tbsp. of the milk with the corn flour until smooth. Heat the rest of the milk into a saucepan until boiling and then pour it on top of the corn flour mixture. Put the whole mixture back into the saucepan and bring it back to the boil. Cook for another five minutes or so until it thickens, then season well.

  4. Pour the custard onto the leek and bacon mixture.

  5. Whisk the egg whites in a clean bowl until they form stiff peaks. Mix a tbsp. of this mixture into the leek and bacon mixture and then fold the rest of the egg whites into that mixture.

  6. Spoon the egg white mixture into the pastry cases and then bake for 20 minutes in a 200C oven.

  7. Serve immediately.

This recipe makes four tartlets which is probably enough for four starters. Serve the tartlets with some rocket leaves dressed with olive oil, lemon juice and salt.

Author: Laura Young.

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225g about 8 oz (7.936425 oz based on 0.035273 ounces in a gram)
150ml about ¾ cup (0.634 cups based on 236.59 mililitres in a US cup)
350g about 12 oz (12.34555 oz based on 0.035273 ounces in a gram)
200°C 400°F / Gas Mark 6


Published: June 10, 2011
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